K&L.p21.#4 = 25EMC.pdfp37.#2.1 25EMC.pdfp37.#2.2 MHD.ZFF
Guenter-ARotCLP.p11 = Polyukhovych = Gronemeyer = Kistler-TSFFFM
CNC Panel 1 H3
· No glyphs given in K&H, TOK.
o BMM9 has a (textual/dictionary) listing for jalal = “reed”, but no corresponding logogram.
o BMM9 has a logogram JAL, but that is for the homonym JAL = “to weave” (presumably) unrelated to JAL = “reed”.
· The meaning “reed” for JALAL or JAL is given in EB, K&H, K&L, BMM9, and 25EMC (some with and some without glyphs).
· EB.p82.pdfp87.#3: jal n. reed. EB gives three different spellings JAL-la, JAL, and ja-la, but unfortunately (and unusually/exceptionally) gives no references. CNC Panel 1 H3b would appear to be a possible reference for the middle of the three spellings. EB refers to akan in the entry for jal (and vice versa), but – slightly cryptically – doesn’t further explain the cross-reference.
· In MHD this has been assigned blcode = ZFF, with the reading JAL?, with meaning “reed?”.
· Do not confuse this with the visually (slightly) similar AKAN.
o AKAN means “grass(land)”.
o JAL/JALAL means “reed”.