CMGG entry for "SSP"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: “Stingray Spine Paddler”, Paddler God #2
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of "SSP"


TOK.p34.r5.c2 = BMM9.p21.r6.c4                 IC.p61.pdfp65.r3.c1

“SSP”                                                                   “SSP”



Graham                                        Teufel-PhD.p375 (Schele) = MHD (Stuart)

NAR Stela 23 G22                       PNG Stela 12 A15a            

 “SSP”.ti                                         “SSP”                                  



BMM9.p15.r3.c3                         IC.p61.pdfp65.r2.c3

“SSP”                                             “SSP”



Martin-ECCRoTTVI.p4.fig5                Martin-ECCRoTTVI.p4.fig6a                Martin-ECCRoTTVI.p4.fig6b               Martin-ECCRoTTVI.p4.fig6c              

TIK Temple 6 C19                                QRG Stela C B8                                      DPL Stela 8 G18                                   IXL Altar 1 C4

“SSP”.*ti?                                             “SSP”                                                       “SSP”                                                     “SSP”.ti


·    See “JP” or Paddler God #1 for general remarks on both “JP” and “SSP”.

·    Martin-ECCRoTTVI.p4.para1.l+4: The name of this ferryman is undeciphered, but both here and elsewhere it bears a ti phonetic complement and must therefore end in –t (see Figure 6c).

·    Variants (2 or 3?) – features:

o A. Abstract:

§ Top: trilobate “leaf”: none of the leaves have pointed tips.

§ Middle (optional): horizontal band, very slightly curved downwards.

§ Bottom: “lemon-shaped” outline with internal boulder shape showing K’IN.

The “lemon”-shape can also just be a regular boulder if it merges with the trilobate leaf above it, as shown in PNG Stela 12 A15a.

o B. Head:

§ LEM in the forehead.

§ Fancy ear – but very different from the normal fancy ear.

§ Distinguishing characteristic: KOKAN (stingray spine) “piercing” the nose.

o C. Head with “flames” (seem to have lost this example):

§ It is unclear if this one even is a SSP. It has flames on top, as in the abstract variant, and a head underneath. The infixed K’IN is also something it shares with the abstract variant. It is just “parked” here for the moment; in case it really does belong with the other two.

·    I wonder if the drawings of the non-head versions in IC (IC.p61.pdfp65.r3.c1 and IC.p61.pdfp65.r2.c2) were accidentally switched? The one labelled "Stingray" has an infixed AK’AB and the one labelled "Jaguar" has an infixed K'IN. I would have thought it should be the other way around. I've swapped them for this reason, until told otherwise.