Grube-FoGX.p3.fig3e Grube-FoGX.p3.fig3f Grube-FoGX.p3.fig3g Grube-FoGX.p3.fig3h Stuart-TIfTXIX.p61.fig34 B6
= Vepretskii.pc20210103 PAL TXIX Passage S-1
· Features: as with “Glyph X with 1+JGU”, but with BAHLAM instead of MIH. [Dorota: this might not be a headdress – there is no reason to think it is.]
· PAL TXIX Passage S-1 has a syllabogram ni phonetic complement, which could be for AHIIN. [ç Is this true? Is it possibly the human head between the head on the left and the end of the top jaw of the AHIIN?]
· (Optional) an oval element containing three non-touching dots in a row is a property marker for skulls, insects, and crocodiles.