CMGG entry for syllabogram po      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: boulder


MC                               K&H                                  JM                              TOK.p12.r3.c1 [TZ’AM]



MC                                  K&H                              TOK.p12.r2.c2



TOK.p12.r2.c1              BPK-LAC Unprovenanced Column  D4



Sub-variants (3) – the term “depression” is used because the boulder outline is being viewed as a cushion, and the element in the middle is seen as the depression in the middle of the cushion (this may or may not be the true iconographic origin of this glyph):

·    A. Depression completely internal.

·    B. Depression connected to perimeter by two long curved arcs (the continuation of two opposite “horizontal” sides of the depression).

Many of the standard sources treat both the sub-variant with completely internal “depression” and the the sub-variant with the “depression” connected to the perimeter as both being po. In contrast, TOK keeps them separate and reads the sub-variant with the completely internal depression as TZ’AM (TOK.p12.r3.c1) and the other as po (TOK.p12.r2.c2).

·    C. Depression replaced by short vertical band or line, with two touching dots on one side (slightly resembling the internal element of TE’), connected to perimeter by two long curved arcs.

o That this is po is known from substitutions, e.g. in Glyph-X:





CRN Panel 3 B7


o This variant is easy to confuse with AJAW or TE’ in the context of EG’s or titles.