JM.p65.#2 JM.p66.#2 lost reference (not Schele) Graham MC.p22.#2
Kimbell panel A2 YAX lintel 41 C1
<chu:ka>.ja <chu[ku].ji>:ya chu[ku].ja <chu:ka>.ja <chu:ka>.ja
Mathews Graham = Veprekskii
TNA Monument 159 G4 YHA Stela 31 A2
<chu[ku].ji>:ya <chu+ja>:ka
· Most of the examples are chu{h}kaj, but two examples are chu(h)kajiiy – both are passive forms, the first without a clitic and the second with.
· In JM.p66.#2, the ji is equivalent to the ji in TNA Monument 159 G4, but lacks the “simplified ladder”.
· Do not confuse chuk = “to capture” with ch’ak = “to chop/axe” – although not that similar phonetically, they are in some senses “semantically” close, in that both often occur in the context of (or aftermath of) a battle:
o ch’ahkaj “he was axed”.
o chuhkaj “he was captured”.