CMGG entry for wiin te' naah      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: place Maya rulers derived authority from
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of wiin te' naah


TOK.p18.r4.c2                          MHD.ZQB.1&2                                                        

WIIN                                           WIN                                                                          



Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8a.4 = MC.p57.ex5                       Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8a.9 = Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7b                  

CPN Altar Q B2                                                                                 CPN Altar Q A5                           

<WIIN:TE’>.NAAH                                                                            <WIIN:TE’>.NAAH                      



Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8c.1                   Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8d = Bíró-ASNOWTN.p15.c1.fig4a

CPN (monument unspecified)                         CPN Structure 33                                       

WIIN:NAAH:TE’                                                   WIIN:NAAH                                                 



Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8e.1 = Bíró-ASNOWTN.p15.c1.fig4b                   Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8e.2

CPN Structure 33                                                                                                       CPN Structure 33                                                                                                                                                                                           

WIIN:NAAH                                                                                                                 WIIN:NAAH                                                 



Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7d                                                                     Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7f = Bíró-ASNOWTN.p14.fig3

CPN Stela 12 E11-E12                                                                                                         HLM Building-A Frieze                                        

?:<a.<[K’IN]chi>:ni> K’UH{ul}.<“xukpi”:AJAW> <WIIN:na{ah}{TE’}>.AJAW?    NAAH.<TE’?:AJAW>                            



Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8c.2 = MHD                              





Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7a                      Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7h

TIK Stela 31 E15                                                                    TRS Stela 2 K7-L3

wi{in}:<TE’.NAAH>                                                               ?.<AHK:AJAW> 4.<bu.TZ’AK>:li wi{in}.<TE’:NAAH> a:AJAW:wa



Coll-1                   =  Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7c = Bíró-ASNOWTN.p14.fig2a

YAX Lintel 25 G2         






NUUN? <NAAH:TE’>.wi{in} AJAW                                               


·    No glyphs given in K&H, K&L, BMM9, 25EMC.

·    Bíró-ASNOWTN.p15.para1.l+3: Winte’ Nah was a quintessential place to which the subject lords travelled to receive the symbols of rulership, […] (at present we have examples from the Classic at Tikal, Copan, and Piedras Negras). Metaphorically then, we might see Winte’ Nah as “House of War” or “House of Weapons” or simply “House of Darts”.

·    Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8c.1&2 are simply labelled as “founder glyphs from Copan and Quirigua” without further indication of the monument they are from. MHD indicates that this is probably QRG Stela J D16, though the face is drawn very slightly differently.

·    Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8d and Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8e.1&2 are simply labelled as “glyph from Copan Structure 33” and “glyphs from Copan Structure 33” respectively, without further indication of the monument they are from. Furthermore, both (i.e. all three) are labelled as being “from Copan Structure 33” which seems odd, because they were separated into Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8d and Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8e. If all three were from Copan Structure 33, they could all have been Schele-TFoLaCaoMS.p142.fig8d.1&2&3. Perhaps there is a typo in one of the “33s”.

·    Estrada-Belli&Tokovinine-AKA.p159.fig7c (YAX Lintel 25 G2) is shown in mirror image, compared to the original monument. This is because the entire text of the original monument is in mirror image – reading from right to left instead of the usual left to right (reasons unclear). Mirroring it in the paper reveals the WIIN-TE’-NAAH structure more easily.

·    Do not confuse this with the visually similar JEL:

o WIIN is an X formed from two bound bundles of sticks whereas JEL consists of only two crossed bands (with optional reinforcement or spine).

o WIIN has a face in between the two arms of the top half of the X whereas JEL has nothing.

·    CPN Stela 12 E11-E12 and HLM Building-A Frieze are two places which have na as end phonetic complement to the logogram WIIN.

·    MHD statistics:

o A search on “blcodes contains ZQB” produces 36 hits (2023-09-30) with almost half from CPN (and “objabbr begins with CPN” gives 16 hits). But there are also examples from HLM, MQL, PNG, RAM (Rio Amarillo), QRG, TIK, YAX. There are examples from both monumental inscriptions and from ceramics. Bíró-ASNOWTN.p14.para2.l-3 says also RAZ (Rio Azul) and TRS (Tres Islas), but these are not in MHD at the time I looked.

o All except two of them write the placename Wiin Te’ Naah.

·    Bíró-ASNOWTN explains that:

o For a long time, the location was thought to be Wi’ Te’ Naah, which was glossed as “Tree-root House”, from wi’ meaning “root”. Another gloss was “Origin House”, based on the same idea (and also because so many rulers associated this place with the founding of their dynasty or their accession to power). Now read as Wiinte’ Naah, which Bíró suggests means “House of War”, “House of Weapons” or “House of Darts”.

o The -n which changes the reading from Wi’ to Wi(i)n is because of the end phonetic complement of na in the HLM Building-A Frieze. [Sim: that it begins with w- is from the initial phonetic complement of wi from other inscriptions.]

o The logogram can be read either as WIN or WIIN, the latter if the Wichmann-Lacadena rules for disharmornic spelling are applied.

·    Note that the two examples with na do not have TE’.

·    Bíró-ASNOWTN.p14.para4.l-3 speculates that there is probably also a connection to the toponym for CPN, Ox/Ux Wintik (making it Wintik with underspelled -n- instead of the more commonly cited Ox Witik).

·    AT-YT2021-lecture22.t0:46:27-46:45 (reading/translating an inscription on the fly): He ascends at Wiin Te’ Naah […]; Yax Nu’un Ahiin – this is the new king of Tikal – he ascends to a place called Wiin Te’ Naah – we know it’s a temple at the great Mexican city of Teotihuacan.