CMGG entry for wi'naal      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: famine
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of wi'naal: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of wi'naal

AT-E1168-lecture19 Assignment 10 / Zender-PhD.p543.fig72

CML Urn 26 Stingray Spine 3 A12



·    wa:<[i]ja>.<WI’:na:li?:la?> è wa’iij wi’naal = “there was famine”.

·    Do not confuse this with the phonetically similar winal = “20-day ‘month’ of the Classic Maya calendar”.

·    Translated in both MHD and in the key (=answers) to AT-E1168-lecture19 Assignment 10 (extra credit question), though MHD gives “famine” and Tokovinine gives “hunger”. Tokovinine explains a lot of the inscription in AT-E1168-lecture26.t0:14:44-18:13 (but not all of it).

·    Doesn’t occur very much:

o No apparent mention in EB.

o The only entry for “blengl contains famine” in MHD seems to be CML Urn 26 Stingray Spine 3 A11 (“objabbr = CMLSpn03”) – the example given by Tokovinine and shown in the example above.

o Tokovinine in his lecture (specifically, at AT-E1168-lecture19.t0:6:41) says that this is the only reference to drought and hunger in the Classic Maya inscriptions.