CMGG entry for jatz'oom?      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: striker, hitter
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of jatz'oom?


K&L.p37.#3.1&2&3                                                           TOK.p9.r3.c5           25EMC.pdfp37.#5.5&6 =  K&L.p37.#3.3&2

JATZ’                                                                                     JATZ’OOM               JATZ’



MHD.MR8.1&2&3                                                            0361st


·    No glyphs given in K&H, BMM9.

·    Features: Left or right hand holding an atlatl.

·    Pronunciation:

o K&L and 25EMC both give JATZ’ – Sim: this collapses “hand holding an atlatl” with the glyph of a “hand holding a rock” – JATZ’ = “to strike” / “to hit”.

o TOK distinguishes the “hand holding a rock” = JATZ’ vs. the “hand holding an atlatl” = JATZ’OOM.

o Bonn makes exactly the same distinction.

o MHD transliterates both as JATZ’ but in practice, in the transliteration:

§ Adds an -noom to the “hand holding a rock”.

§ Adds an -oom to the “hand holding an atlatl”.

o There is some uncertainty whether JATZ’ or JATZ’OOM are at all appropriate readings for this glyph (i.e. the “hand holding an atlatl”) – i.e. it is doubted if it should be seen as related to JATZ’ (= a hand holding a rock), but rather something completely different.

·    “Only” seen in the name “Jatz’oom Kuy” (= “Spearthrower Owl”) [check MHD], believed to be the ruler of Teotihuacan, whose policies revolutionized the Maya world in a series of (military) events at various Maya cities, called the “Entrada”: TIK, CPN, UAX, SUF (La Sufricaya), PAL, NCT (Naachtun), RAZ (Rio Azul), El Achiotal, BJC (Bejucal) were all affected; in Naachtun there is even a reference to u-yajaw-te’ “his war captain”, at 2 dates which were earlier than TIK (1 or 2 days before), indicating that this was where the Teotihuacanos first arrived and used as base to move on to the rest – the first “collaborator” city) [lost reference].