CMGG entry for winik      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Alternative readings: WINAK / WINAL
Translation: man, person, human being; calendar unit of 20 days = Maya “month”
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of winik

                   A black and white circle with a small spot  Description automatically generated with medium confidence                                                              A black and white drawing of a cartoon animal  Description automatically generated                            

K&H.p87.#6                     K&L.p26.#7                       TOK.p14.r2.c2                BMM9.p13.r1.c3               25EMC.pdfp50.#11.1&2&3                        JM.p271#2

WINIK                               WINIK                                 WINIK                              WINIK                                  WINIK/WINAK                                               wi.<WINIK:ki>



K&L.p63.#3                                                                                                                                        IC.p16.pdfp20.#2.1&2

WINIK / WINAL                                                                                                                                 WINAL / WINAAK



K&H.p55.#4.1                TOK.p28.r5.c1                 BMM9.p18.r3.c2                25EMC.pdfp51.#1.2&3

WINIK                              WINIK /e                          WINIK                                   WINIK / WINAL



K&L.p63.#4.1-11                                                                                               IC.p16.pdfp20.#2.3&4                     Montgomery = Coll-1                 

                                                                                                                                                                                          YAX HS2 Step 7 N2

WINIK / WINAL                                                                                                 WINAL / WINAAK                              6.<WINIK:ki>



K&L.p63.#4.12                             IC.p16.pdfp20.#2.5               [IC.p16.pdfp20.#2.6 = K&L.p63.#4.12]

YAX Lintel 48 D1-D2                    PAL PT A9-B10

WINIK / WINAL                            WINAL / WINAAK





·     25EMC seems to make a distinction of WINIK / WINAK when it means “man, person, human” and WINIK / WINAL when it means a period of 20 days = the Maya “month”.

·     Note that winal is with a short-a.

o K&L (which does explicitly indicate length) has winal.

o The spelling winaal with long-a does exist: a Google search on “winaal” “Maya” gives under 200 hits, but this seems to be the spelling in some of the modern Mayan languages.

o In Classic Maya, it’s winal: a Google search on “winal” “Maya” gives more than 75,000 hits.

·     Do not confuse this with the phonetically similar wi’naal = “hunger”, “famine”.

·     Variants (4):

o A. Abstract: as in “man” / “person” / “human being“ – resembling a human face (but perhaps not iconographically related?).

o B. Head:

§ Distinguishing characteristic: the head of an iguana / frog / turtle.

o C. Full figure:

§ Iguana / frog / turtle.

§ So far, only PAL PT and YAX Lintel 48.

o D. “SHIELD”. <K’UH+“turtle head?”>: This variant is given in TOK.p27.r2.c2 and is a very unusual / aberrant form.

·     Do not confuse this with the visually similar boulder variant of HUUN, which has a triangular element with left and right sides slightly curved inwards, tip pointing upwards, at the centre of the bottom, whereas this has a “YAX-outline”). Note that K&L have quite a number of examples (K&L.p63.#3.1&2&4&7) which have this more “HUUN-like” element, but nevertheless listed as WINIK.