CMGG entry for chik'in      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: west (Postclassic)
Part of speech: Adjective

Logogram spellings of chik'in: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of chik'in


MC.p124.r6.c1                           MC.p124.r6.c2

chi[K’IN].ni                                  <chi:K’IN>.ni


·    BMM9, K&H, K&L have the same inconsistency for Postclassic, that lak’in means both “East” and “West” – this is just a typo, it doesn’t mean “West” in Postclassic, only “East”. So the only Postclassic word for West is chik’in.