CMGG entry for te'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: tree; wood; classifier for time periods; category of scribes
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of te'


K&H.p86.#7                    K&L.p22.#5                                                                                          TOK.p9.r2.c6                    BMM9.p10.r7.c4            JM.p228.#4

TE’                                    TE’                                                                                                         TE’                                      TE’                                     TE’






                                          K&L.p22.#4.4-6                                                                                   TOK.p13.r2.c4                                                           JM.p229.#1

                                          TE’                                                                                                         TE’                                                                               TE’



                                                                                                                                                         TOK.p32.r2.c3               BMM9.p21.r2.c2

                                                                                                                                                         TE’                                   TE’



JM.p229.#2                 JM.p229.#3                   JM.p229.#4

TE’                                TE’                                   TE’



K&L.p22.#4.1-3                                                                       TOK.p32.r2.c4                       JM.p230.31               BMM9.p21.r6.c1

TE’                                                                                             TE’                                           TE’                               YET



K&L.p23.#1                 TOK.p25.r1.c4                    BMM9.p14.r7.c4              JM.p230.#2 = 25EMC.pdfp46.#8.1   

TE’                                TE’                                        TE’                                       TE’                    TE’                                 




TE’ (25EMC.pdfp46.#8.3 is a mistake, should be “UHMAN”)                                                                                       



ZenderEtAl-SSw.p43.pdfp9.fig8                   Boot-ANNAT.p40.c1.fig2 (Boot after Reents-Budet)

FLD alabaster bowl E                                      K4669 B3

TE’                                                                      <ja:wa{n}>.TE’


·     Variants (5):

o A. Axe – long, rectangular outline – features:

§ Washer.

§ Axe-blade with internal reinforcement on the long and outside edges, with 2 touching dots.

o B. Boulder – features:

§ Asymmetric cave with reinforced ceiling.

§ Curved vertical band (sometimes just line).

§ 2 touching dots at half-height, on one side (the side which curves out).

o C. Axe + Boulder: Axe variant on top of Boulder variant.

o D. CH’ICH’-like / “JELLYFISH”-like (though probably related to neither of them):

§ Optionally, above the top – a hand-like element:

·       Left: (optionally bold) left feeler with protector.

·       Right: hand with fingers.

§ Top: (optionally bold) inverted lipped-U ceiling.

§ Bottom (the “wood property marker”):

·       Curved vertical band (sometimes just line).

·       2 touching dots at half-height, on one side (the side which curves out).

§ Do not confuse this with “MIJIIN”. They don’t really resemble one another that much:

·       This one has two indentations about 1/3 and 2/3 of the way along the bottom (“CH’ICH’-like” / blood-cartouche), which “MIJIIN” never has.

·       MIJIIN” has an AJAW-face in the centre, which this one never has (instead it has the “wood” element).

§ Interestingly, BMM9.p21.r6.c1 lists it as a separate logogram, pronounced YET (with no question mark). Perhaps there has been some convincing recent research which argues that this glyph – which has long been seen as a variant of TE’ – is in fact a different logogram.

o E. Head – also referred to as the Pax God, Paax God, Pax Deity:

§ Eye: a large squarish eye:

·       Note that 25EMC.pdfp46.#8.3 is not TE’ but “UHMAN”:

o   The eye is not square and it has a scroll inside.

o   The mouth region has two large and distinct scrolls , one going left and one going right.

Both these characteristics are typical for “UHMAN”.

§ Mouth: a CH’AB-like element.

·     ZenderEtAl-SSw.p43.pdfp9.c1.l-11: itz’in te’ [itz’in] taaj […] “junior trees and junior obsidians.” […] This is almost certainly a reference to members of a ranked ritual order of priest-scribes.