CMGG entry for witz'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: waterlily serpent, “Imix monster”
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of witz'


K&L.p32.#5.2&3                                       TOK.p28.r3.c3                      BMM9.p15.r2.c2 = TOK.p28.r3.c1  

= KuppratApp [K&L.p32.#5.2

= 25EMC.pdfp51.#5.3

WITZ’                                                          WITZ’?                                   WITZ’                        HA’ / WITZ’



K&L.p32.#5.1= KuppratApp                       TOK.p28.r3.c2                       BMM9.p15.r2.c3                       25EMC.pdfp51.#5.2

= 25EMC.pdfp51.#5.1

WITZ’                                                              WITZ’                                      WITZ’                                           WITZ’                        




<K’AHK’>.<u:TI’> <HUUN:WITZ’>.K’AWIIL                                                                                        


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     Aquatic monster associated with “springs”, “flowing water”.

·     The individual components are not to be read separately – the 2 or 3 elements all join to form a single logogram.

·     Features – variants (2):

o Top:

§ A. HA’

§ B. WINIK – Stuart-RtWS.p1.para4 calls this a “dotted WINIK”:

·          The dots are not clear in the article itself, the TOK example does not have dots, but the K&L, BMM9, and 25EMC examples do.

·          On the other hand, the BMM9 example is not totally a WINIK, as there is a le in the top, making it slightly like NAHB.

·          Kupprat “Los mayas y los otros: integración y distinción cultural en el paisaje urbano y rural de Copán”.p47.fig2 shows many examples of WITZ’ with a WINIK without dots, e.g. e, f, g, h, i (mostly from CPN and QRG).

o Bottom: zoomorphic head, representing a Waterlily Serpent.

·     In both variants, there can be a third element – a knot (the floppy variant of “che”), or in some cases a “hairlock” (though this is probably just a variant of the knot).

·     Do not confuse this with the phonetically almost identical WITZ which means “mountain”.

·     Do not confuse this with the visually similar animal head variant of K’AHK’ – that one has a full variant K’AHK’ “fire” on top, with a monster head underneath, whereas this one has HA’ “water” or “dotted WINIK” on top, with a monster head underneath.

·     Usage in other contexts unrelated to the reading WITZ’:

o Written within a “blood cartouche”, in the context of a CR, it is a variant of IMIX (the connection being “water” vs. “Waterlily Serpent”.

o An animal head variant of HAAB as a calendar unit has the Waterlily Serpent with an (abstract) Haab, an element representing a waterlily, or with an element having a left feeler / scroll infixed in the head.

o An animal head variant of “13” has the Waterlily Serpent with an (abstract) Haab, an element representing a waterlily, or with an element having a left feeler / scroll infixed in the head.