CMGG entry for syllabogram t'o
(This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)
Variant: kuch and conch
K&H =K&L = BMM9.1 TOK.p34.r3.c4 BMM9.2 25EMC
MHD.AAA.1&2 0174bv 0174bt
Safranov PNG Panel 3 M’1/T’1 t’o.<lo{l}:CHITAM>
· Mnemonic: you stub your t’o(e) on a rock, when you try to kick the snail. · Though not a very common glyph, it’s: o Quite well established, as it’s listed in K&H, K&L, TOK, BMM9, 25EMC. o MHD gives it the 3-character code AAA with no match to an existing T-number. o Bonn gives it the 6-character code 0174bv with variant reduced variant 0174bt. · A search in MHD on “blcodes contains AAA” yields 27(!) hits: o More than half of them (16) spell the verb form t’ohxaj = lets blood? ‘splits’ (translation by MHD). o 5 of them spell a proper name T’ol (4) or T’olol (1): § There is an example of T’olol on PNG Panel 3 – T’olol Chitam, Muxkan Sajal – the tag for one of the figures portrayed on the panel. o The remaining 6 are “miscellaneous” (no particular pattern).