CMGG entry for uhx te' tuun      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: Calakmul (whole city)
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of uhx te' tuun


Polyukhovych                      StuartEtAl-PNLC.p2   =?  Law&Stuart-CM.p166.pdfp39.eg97                   Coll-2

CNC Panel 1 D8                   CRN Ele 55 D6                                                                                                    CLK HB glyph-block ‘S’

uhx.<TE’:<>>         uhx.<TE’:TUUN>.ni    3.<TE’:TUUN>.ni                                                          <uhx:<TE’>.<TUUN:ni>



Helmke&Awe-StaST.p8.fig8c               Helmke&Awe-StaST.p8.fig8d

XUN Panel 4 pB4b                                  NAR HS Step 6 L3a

3:TE’:TUUN                                              3.<TE’:TUUN:ni>


·    AT-E1168-lecture15.t0:34:15: Uhx Te’ Tuun = CLK (as site/toponym).

·    One of the sub-areas of central Calakmul – a wider area is covered by this than by Chik Nahb.

·    Uhx Te’ Tuun = “Three Stones” – the Te’ is a numeral classifier, not “Tree” or “Wood”.