CMGG entry for syllabogram ni      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: man with long nostril-hairs


MC = K&H                    JM                                  TOK.p24.r2.c3



MC                                  K&H                                  JM



MC                                  K&H


·    The head variant represents a person with heavily overgrown nasal hair (AT-E1168-lecture5.t0:11:56)

·    Do not confuse with wi:

o wi consists of two distinct “leaves” – a longer one and a shorter one, going in opposite directions whereas ni consists of only one “leaf” (which is not really a leaf, just called that here for the sake of comparison to wi).

o In wi, each of the “leaves” has only one spine inside whereas ni has multiple wavy lines inside the single “leaf” (and as such, are not really spines, just called that here for the sake of comparison to wi).

o In wi, the touching dots are always on the inside of the long leaf, touching the single spine whereas in ni, each of the long flowing lines in the middle often (but not always) end in one of the dots, making the dots on the “outside” of the “leaf”.

·    AT-E1168-lecture5.t0:11:22 explains that in later times some scribes no longer distinguished between wi and ni.


Variant: full-figure


YAX Throne 2 glyph-block #4



·    Full-figure:

o The human head, shoulders, and arm in the middle of M&G.p122 is believed to be the full-figure variant of ni. The wavy lines on the forehead could correspond to the wavy lines of the other ni variants, but this association is perhaps questionable because they represent nose-hairs in the head and reduced variants but have nothing to do with the nose in the full-figure variant.

o Without the connection to the wavy lines, there is even some doubt that it represents ni at all.

o What might appear to be a spanner that the human figure is holding in his left hand is not proof of alien visitors but in fact just the leg of the YAXUUN bird.