CMGG entry for taak      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: <plural marker>
Part of speech: Grammatical particle / word

Logogram spellings of taak


JM.p225.#2                     JM.p225.#5

TAK                                   TAK:ki



K&H.p30.fig11                                                                  Stuart

IXZ Stela 4 B5                                                                    CRN Panel 1 K1

<yi:IL:a?>.<<8.<WINIK:ki>>:AJAW:TAK>                      <ch’o:ko>.<TAK:ki>


·    The plural is very rarely seen in Classic Maya inscriptions.

·    The glyph for “dry” is used, but pronounced taak, with a long-a.

·    See also tak = “dry”.

·    Examples:

o IXZ Stela 4 B5: yilaj waxak winik ajaw-taak = “it was seen by 8 rulers”.

o CRN Panel 1 K1: ch’ok-taak = (a number of) noble youths / princes.


Syllabogram spellings of taak
