CMGG entry for cheb      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: CHEHB / CHE'B / CHE'EB
Translation: paint brush, quill pen
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of cheb: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of cheb


JM.p60.#1                       = Boot-THToK7786&K4669.p7                        

                                            K4022 ‘#3’                                                                                        K7786 PSS-F                    

che.bu                                che.bu                                                                                               <che:e>.bu



Montgomery                                              = Stuart

PNG Stela 12 glyph-blocks #53-#54       PNG Stela 12 glyph-blocks #53-#54

SAK.<?:na:ja> <ba{ah}:che>.bu              tu.<<mu/bu>:na:ja> <ba{ah}:che>.bu


·    There is some uncertainty about the root vowel.

·    The JM.p60.#1 is probably K4022.

·    Boot-THToK7786&K4669.p6-7 (with reference to K7786 PSS-F): The collocation che-’e-b’u only occurs once in the whole corpus of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions, but a collocation che-b’u on Kerr No. 4022 provides another reference to the “quill” (cf. Boot 1997).

·    Boot-THToK7786&K4669.p3.para2.l+3: The che’eb’ or quill, probably made of some kind of indigenous bamboo (note Ch’ol chejp “bamboo”, chejbol “yellow bamboo”, c’änchejb “yellow bamboo”), was the writing implement par excellence and it can be found depicted in various Classic Maya images (cf. Coe and Kerr 1997).