AT-E1168-lecture19 Assignment 10 / Zender-PhD.p543.fig72 AT-E1168-lecture19 Assignment 10 / Zender-PhD.p543.fig72
CML Urn 26 Stingray Spine 3 A11 CML Urn 26 Stingray Spine 3 A12
wa:<[i]ja>.<<[K’IN]TUUN>:ni> wa:<[i]ja>.<wi’:na:la?:la?>
· wa:<[i]ja>.<<[K’IN]TUUN>:ni> è wa’iij k’intuun = “there was drought”.
· wa:<[i]ja>.<wi’:na:la?:la?> è wa’iij wi’naal = “there was famine”.
· Sim: how closely related are wa-i-ja è wa’iij = “there was” and WA’ = “to erect, put upright” (often used in the 819-day cycle expression) – both share the meaning of “existing” / “being there” in some “positional” sense.