CMGG entry for "BALLCOURT"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Alternative readings: HALAW?
Translation: ballcourt
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of "BALLCOURT"


TOK.p17.r5.c3 = BMM9.p21.r6.c2                              25EMC.pdfp34.#7.1&2                                    MHD.ZY3

?                           no pronunciation given                    HALAW?                                                             -



Tokovinine-DPMB.pdfp12.fig1.b (Graham)                                      

TNA Monument 141 C4                                                                        

<<3.a.ha{l}>:<“BALLCOURT”:na>>.<u:<“BALLCOURT”:na>>          .


·     The logogram is well understood, but the reading is unknown.

·     Iconographically, it represents the two sloped sides of a ballcourt, with the ball in the middle.

·     25EMC.pdfp34.#7.1&2:

o Gives a tentative reading of HALAW?.

o Gives the meaning “ballcourt” without a question mark.

·     MHD is “one step” more tentative than 25EMC:

o No reading given, not even with a question mark.

o The meaning “ballcourt” is given with a question mark.

·     Summary:

o 25EMC is the only source to associate the reading HALAW with the glyph.

o EB does not have a listing for halaw, but all the other sources with text-based dictionaries (descendants of EB) list halaw = “ballcourt” (without providing a glyph).

·     TNA Monument 141 C4 has two instances of the glyph, apparently with an end phonetic complement of na, which doesn’t fit well with a reading of HALAW.