Polyukhovych Stuart Coll-1 & Coll-2 Coll-1 & Coll-2
CNC Panel 1 D6-C7 PNG Panel 2 J2-K1 YUL Lintel 1 E1-F1 YUL Lintel 1a C1-D1
YAX:HA’{al} CHAAK.ki YAX.<HA’:la> CHAAK <ya:xa>.<<HA’AL:CHAAK>:ki> <ya{x}>:HA’AL:*la? CHAAK:ki
· Yax Ha’al Chaak = “Primordial (or Blue-Green or Pure) Rain Chaak”.
· Lacadena-OtRoTGAotRG.p88-93 is the first paper in which HA’AL is translated as the noun “rain” rather than the adjective “watery”. As per his paper, this deity name has a continuous tradition from the Classic monumental inscriptions of the Southern Lowlands to the Late Classic inscriptions of the Yucatan Peninsula to Colonial Yucatec (not explicitly said in this way, but implied).
· CNC Panel 1 D6-C7, PNG Panel 2 J2-K1, YUL Lintel 1 E1-F1, YUL Lintel 1a C1-D1 are all given as examples in Lacadena-OtRoTGAotRG.p89.fig1 and Lacadena-OtRoTGAotRG.p93.
· AT-E1168-lecture23.t0:35:38: Chaak of the First Rain, a popular god at Calakmul, and Calakmul was the most powerful dynasty, so the cult of this god spread to the royal courts of its vassals, during the heyday of the Calakmul hegemony.
· AT-YT2021-lecture21.t0:04:45-06:36 (specifically, 05:18): Yax Ha’al Chaak is “Chaak (of the) First Rain” – the god responsible for the beginning of the Rainy Season. So at the end of the Spring, when everything is dry, you ask for the first rain […] the important storms which bring moisture.
· In the case of both CNC Panel 1 and PNG Panel 2, a ritual was performed in the presence of a number of gods, of which Yax Ha’al Chaak was one.