CMGG entry for pakal      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: shield
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of pakal

                                           A black and white drawing of a lion  Description automatically generated                        A drawing of a face  Description automatically generated

K&H.p85.#10                      TOK.p17.r3.c4                      BMM9.p12.r5.c1               25EMC.pdfp44.#6.2&3                25EMC.pdfp44.#6.1 = TOK.p17.r3.c4

PAKAL                                   PAKAL                                   PAKAL                                  PAKAL



K&L.p29.#7                                                                   JM.p200.#2 = K&L.p29.#7.2                            MC.p165.r3.c4 ~= K&H.p85.#10 = K&L.p29.#7.1






·    Features – iconographically representing a shield:

o (Squarish) boulder / circle outline.

o A medium-sized circle at each of the four corners (canonically empty).

o An inner circle with a face in it (typically two eyes), but instead of a mouth, there is often a hand (for holding the shield?).

o Cross-hatching between the inner and outer circles – typically with non-cross-hatched areas between the cross-hatching and the outer circle and also between the cross-hatching and the inner circle.

·    25EMC.pdfp44.#6.4 gives an extremely aberrant variant – perhaps from a ceramic inscription? Even the BMM9 example is quite unusual.


Syllabogram spellings of pakal

A drawing of a turtle  Description automatically generated                    

JM.p200.#3                      MC.p22.#6

<pa.ka>:la                         <pa.ka>:la