CMGG entry for te' baj took' baj      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: battle
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of te' baj took' baj


HullEtAl-TFPSIPiCC.p37.fig2&3 =

K1398 B6-A7                               

TE’.ba{j} TOOK’.ba{j}                  


·    Here the “gopher glyph” is being used purely as a ba, not as BAAH in its meaning of “image”.

·    There is an underspelled -j twice, giving baj = “hammer”, “strike”.

·    This is a “kenning” – a poetic phrase for a concept, in this case a “battle” – Carrasco&Wald-IiCMCAaW.p196.para1.l-3: … a common kenning for "battle" te' b'a tok' b'a, used especially in the Dresden Codex Venus Pages and in the Paris Codex K'atun Pages.