MHD.AS5 1642st
· This logogram is given by both MHD and Bonn. MHD still has a slight doubt about the correctness of the reading, as it’s given with a question mark, absent in the Bonn entry.
JM.p92.#3 = MC.p131.#1
· JM paper dictionary gives i.<ba:k’a> -è ibak’ = “armadillo”, which has been removed from the online version (edited by Christophe Helmke).
· EB.p72.pdfp77.#7 gives ibach n. armadillo i-ba-cha, with Dresden 21B-3 as the only reference. All other derived text-only dictionaries have retained such an entry.
· The discrepancy between the MHD.AS5 and Bonn’s 1642st IBACH logogram and JM’s syllabogram-only spelling of i-ba-k’a è ibak’ is puzzling:
o Different final consonant (though a -k- / -ch- dialect distinction is known).
o The logogram reading has an unglottalized final consonant rather than the syllabogram-spelling’s glottalized final consonant.