Graham Coll-1
YAX Lintel 6 B2-B3 YAX Lintel 43 A2
ti.<AK’OT:ta> ti.<CHAK:AT:ta> ?.<ti:CHAK:AT>
· The chakat – also referred to as a “basket-staff” in English – is a ritual object used in certain dances. It’s a long, thin pole, of about human height, with what appears to be an inverted woven basket at the top. Sitting on the top (the narrower end, perhaps the “bottom”) of the basket is a smallish effigy of K’awiil.
· The chakat features in the dance rituals recorded in YAX Lintel 6 and YAX Lintel 43 – in both cases it is represented in the iconography and referred to in the glyphic text.
· It is unclear to me what the relationship is (if any) between chakat as the name of a ritual object, and chakat as the name of the third month in the Haab calendar. The two monuments that we have with chakat (as a ritual object) are LC = 9.16.1. 8. 6 which corresponds to the Haab month of Mak, not Chakat.