CMGG entry for k'uk'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: quetzal
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of k'uk'


K&L.p16.#2                                                                                  TOK.p26.r5.c4                   BMM9.p19.r4.c2               JM.p155.#5

K’UK’                                                                                             K’UK’                                   K’UK’                                    K’UK’   


·    No glyphs given in K&H.

·    Features:

o Feathery crest.

o Large beak – slightly smaller than for MO’ (“macaw”), with nostril.

o Large eye, divided in half by a horizontal line:

§ Optionally eyeball = small dot hangs from the bottom of the middle of the horizontal line.

§ Optionally eyelashes = grass blades growing upwards from the horizontal line.

o Bird spiral in the middle of the bottom.