CMGG entry for syllabogram je      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: full


MC = K&H                      JM                              





YAX Lintel 47 B8-C1

yi:pi ya.<je:le>



MC = K&H                              JM                                       TOK.p10.r3.c3



M&G.p158.5                                               MHD (Graham)

PAL TI Sarcophagus Lid 34-35                  PAL Bench 1 / Subterranean Throne glyph-block B

<a:je>.<ne:{y}OHL> ma:ta              


·    Do not confuse the reduced variant of je with a reduced variant of AKAN = “grass”, “grassland”:

o The reduced variant of je is three touching circles (each with three ticks and a dot) which peek out from the behind the bottom of any glyphs covering it, i.e. are (visually) below the covering glyph.

o The reduced variant of AKAN is three touching circles (each with three ticks and a dot) which peek out from the behind the top of any glyphs covering it, i.e. are (visually) above the covering glyph.


Sub-variants (2)

·    A. Full:

o Top – boulder:

§ (Optionally) bold outer edge.

§ Curved ladder inside, with bold or non-bold rungs – ladder can be replaced by curved arcs, making the entire element “LEM”-like.

o Bottom: three touching circles, each circle has:

§ Top: tiny dot.

§ Bottom: three short ticks.

·    B. Reduced: the three touching circles of the bottom of the full form.