K&L.p17.#5.1&2&3 TOK.p26.r2.c3
? ?
· No glyphs given in K&H, BMM9, 25EMC.
· K&L.p17.#5: Represents possibly the great blue heron (Ardea herodias). [Sim: photographs of Ardea herodias from the internet show a bird with a somewhat longer beak – not extremely long, but somewhat longer than what’s shown in the logogram. The nickname “HERON” was assigned on the basis of the speculation in K&L.p17.#5, but perhaps a nickname like “BIRD-HEAD-WITH-FISH-IN-MOUTH” might have been better.]
· This glyph currently doesn’t have a reading. There is a syllabogram-only spelling for the word i-chi-wa = ichiiw = “heron”, but there’s no indication that this logogram corresponds to that syllabogram-only spelling.