CMGG entry for ak'taj      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: dance (verb)
Part of speech: Verb

Spellings of ak'taj


JM.p35.#4                     YAX Lintel 54 A2                

AK’:ta                             <AK’:ta>.ja                          







YAX Lintel 1 C1b                    YAX Lintel 2 G1                    YAX Lintel 2 K1                    YAX Lintel 6 B2                     YAX Lintel 52 B2                    YAX Lintel 53 B2         

<a[AK’]>:ta{j}                          <a[AK’]>:ta{j}                       <a[AK’]>:ta{j}                       ti.<a[AK’]:ta{j}>                    <a[AK’]>:ta{j}                         <<a[AK’]>.ja>:ta          


·    This is the verb “to dance” derived from the noun AK’OT = “dance”. L&D.p22.pdfp22: -aj derives nouns from CVC transitives.