HoustonEtAl-TLK.p3.fig3b HoustonEtAl-TLK.p3.fig3c .
YAX Lintel 22: A1-B3 YAX Lintel 47: A4-D3
HoustonEtAl-TLK.p2.fig2a = StuartEtAl-PNLC.p3 HoustonEtAl-TLK.p2.fig2b = StuartEtAl-PNLC.p3
CRN Ele 56 pE3 CRN Ele 56 pA2
PAAT.ku[yu] <PAAT:ti>.<ku:yu>
· Occurs in the name of the ruler of CRN Chak Ak’ Paat Kuy = “Great/Red Turkey Basilisk Owl”.
· Do not confuse this with the homonym paat 1 = “back” (body part).
· Do not confuse this with the visually and semantically similar TELES (also the longish head of a reptile – specifically, a lizard, and also meaning basilisk):
o PAAT often has a ti phonetic complement (which of course TELES never has).
o PAAT does not have anything fancy at the top of the head (except, optionally, three non-touching dots in an oval – the “bony” sign for reptiles and insects), whereas TELES often does have something fancy at the top of the head – either a distinct indentation / “bay” or parallel wavy lines (both possibly to signify the crest which TELES has).
HoustonEtAl-TLK.p3.fig3a HoustonEtAl-TLK.p4.fig4a HoustonEtAl-TLK.p4.fig4b
CRC Stela 23: I1-J1 PNG Panel 2: I’1–J’1 unprovenanced
pa:ti pa:ti <a:ku[lu]>.<pa:ti>
· Occurs in the name of the ruler of CRN Chak Ak’ Paat Kuy = “Great Turkey Basilisk Owl”.