CMGG entry for il      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: ILA
Translation: see
Part of speech: Verb

Logogram spellings of il


K&H.p83.#1 = JM.p97.#1          TOK.p21.r1.c4              BMM9.p16.r6.c4         

IL[ja]                                              IL                                    ILA[?]                             



K&L.p37.#1                                                                                                      25EMC.pdfp36.#4.6&7

IL                                                                                                                        IL



JM.p93.#3                           JM.p96.#4                                        JM.p295.#4                         JM.p296.#1                    JM.p296.#2

i.IL.ji                                      IL                                                       yi.<IL:ji>                               yi:IL:ji                               yi.<IL:la>.ja


·    Could be considered one of the “irregular” (i.e. non-CVC) verbs. L&D.p46 explains that the common non-CVC transitive verbs are:

o IL / ILA “see”.

o A’L “say”.

o TZ’IHBA “write” / “paint”.

Their classification as such seems to be based on a combination of their actual phonetic form and the inflections they take (e.g. they are different from CVC-verbs in the passive).

·    25EMC is a varied selection of the other sources, plus two additional ones not given elsewhere (25EMC.pdfp36.#4.6&7):

o 25EMC.pdfp36.#4.1 = JM.p96.#4.

o 25EMC.pdfp36.#4.2 = K&L.p37.#1.6.

o 25EMC.pdfp36.#4.3 = K&L.p37.#1.5.

o 25EMC.pdfp36.#4.4 = K&L.p37.#1.7.

o 25EMC.pdfp36.#4.5 = K&L.p37.#1.8.


Syllabogram spellings of il

A drawing of a dog  Description automatically generated          A black and white image of a person  Description automatically generated

JM.p296.#4               JM.p297.#1

yi.<la:ji>                     yi:li:a:[ji]ya