JM.p76.#4 Coll-1 (artist unknown)
YAX HS2 Step 7 W1
ch’a:ti ch’a:ti
· Do not confuse this with the semantically related maas, which also means “dwarf”.
· Note on JM.p76.#5: Sergei Vepretskii explains that this is not ch'at but is <u{h}:ti> with the skull-variant of u (or UH “necklace” used as a rebus). JM apparently misread the top element as ch’a and hence read this as <ch’a:ti> è ch’at. But this is wrong on the following points:
o The top element isn’t cha, because cha never has teeth on the bottom left, which this glyph does.
o Even if cha did have teeth, this would make the word chat, not ch’at.
o So instead, it’s just a misreading, and is actually uht-i.
JM.p76.#5 |