CMGG entry for ichaan      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: maternal uncle
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of ichaan: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of ichaan


K&H.p44.r1.c6                        Coll-1                                           Graham

YAX Lintel 58 C                       YAX Lintel 9 C2                           YAX Lintel 58 D3

yi.<cha:ni>                               yi.<cha:ni>                                  yi.<cha:ni:AJAW>                                


·      In YAX Lintel 58 C the cha is quite hard to recognize – it is in fact quite an aberrant form of the hand with thumb-up variant:

o What often looks like an “eye” in the top left is actually a semi-bold T (IK’). Here it is shaped much more like the usual IK’ and is thin enough to almost look non-bold.

o The bottom left element which often looks like a smiling mouth is actually a partitive disk. Here it does actually look like a partitive disk.

o The indentation in the top which indicates the border between the thumb and the rest of the fingers is usually much further to the right. Here it is right in the middle, into which PAX-feelers fit. These PAX-feelers comes from another variant of cha (the one which resembles a se, e.g. MC.p157.c3.r1.1) . These are markers in the iconography for (emanating) smell.

·      In both YAX Lintel 9 C2 and YAX Lintel 58 D3 the yi looks much more like an u. There is a temptation to read these a u-cha’an (the master of a youth in the sense of “guardian”) but Sergei Vepretskii says they can be just read as yi, yielding “the maternal uncle of”. [Sergei said this for YAX Lintel 58 D3 – check that this also applies to YAX Lintel 9 C2.]

·      Kaufman-APMED.p119.pdfp119.#1: about 30 entries from the modern and colonial Mayan languages with some word resembling ichaan, for “mother’s brother”; tio/tia = “mother’s brother / sister.

·      EB.p73.pdfp78: “mother’s brother” giving as reference YAX Lintel 58 C1 and PMT Panel 2 Fragment.