CMGG entry for syllabogram mi      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Variant: flower




MC                         K&H                 JM.p169.5              TOK.p9.r3.c3               K&H = K&L = 25EMC.1


Variant: hand alone


MC                     JM


Variant: hand holding shell



·     The iconographic origin of this glyph is sometimes described as “hand holding shell” (lost reference).


Variant: head


TOK.p24.r1.c3                 1695st  




1592st                                 MHD.SNC.1&2



·     Features: anthropomorphic head with a hand cradling the chin.

·     Bonn distinguishes two sub-variants:

o 1592st/MIH:

§ A %-sign on the cheek.

§ A lock of hair in the top right.

§ A smaller, but very fancy ear, slightly resembling an obsidian blade.

o 1695st/mi:

§ Three non-touching dots in the shape of a triangle, pointing down, on the cheek.

§ No lock of hair in the top right.

§ A larger, tripartite ear, slightly resembling a syllabogram yu (occupying the entire right side).

Bonn makes a strong distinction between two sub-variants of the head variant – one for mi and one for MIH.

·     TOK.p24.r1.c3 goes for the opposite solution and deliberately combines the different characteristics of 1592st and 1695st into a single glyph (implying that this variation is not significant).

o Furthermore, TOK.p24.r1.c3 is glossed only as mi – a MIH reading is not given.

o In this work, Tokovinine gives no MIH readings at all – not for this head variant, nor for the “flower” and “hand holding shell” variants. This could be just an oversight, as in various lectures (e.g. AT-E1168-lecture6.t0:37:40 and AT-E1168-lecture6.t0:50:25) the “flower” and “hand holding shell” variants are glossed as both mi and MIH.

·     MHD has both examples of the head variant without the %-sign or 3-dot triangle.


Variant: squid




Graham                                  Graham                                  Graham                                           Graham                

YAX Lintel 1 A4                      YAX Lintel 3 D3                     YAX Lintel 5 A2                               YAX Lintel 33 A6 

mi.<xi:WINKIL?>                    mi.<xi:WINKIL?>                   mi.<*xi?:*WINKIL?:*la?>              mi.<xi:WINKIL?>


·     This glyph isn’t shown in K&H, K&L, TOK, BMM9, 25EMC.

·     Bonn doesn’t seem to have given it a code.

·     MHD has assigned it the 3-character code MRF.

o A search in MHD on “blcodes contains MRF” gives 28 hits – so, not common, but also not at all rare.

o Importantly, it’s not regionally restricted:

§ YAX (8 hits) and YAX region (1 hit)

§ Various ceramics (7 hits)

§ SCN (Sacchana, 2 hits)

§ AGT, BPK, CNK, CRC, CRN, NAR, PMT, PSD, TIK (1 hit each).

This is more or less the entire Classic Maya world except for the far south-east (e.g. QRG and CPN).

o The preponderance of hits in YAX is because of the name/title Mix Winkil, which was one of the extended names/titles of Yaxuun Bahlam IV.