MHD (Stuart) Safronov = MHD (Ringle) MHD (Schele)
CRN Panel 1 B7 CRN Panel 3 A8 CPN Stela 5 East Altar A8
u.<<ch’o{k}>+K’ABA’> u.<<ch’o{k}>+K’ABA’> Glyph-X.<u:<<CH’OK[ko]>+K’ABA’>>
MHD (Schele) MHD (Schele) MHD (Fash)
CPN Stela 10 A8 CPN Stela 13 B7 CPN Stela N
<u:<<ch’o[ko]>+K’ABA’>>.<*20:9> u.<<CH’OK[ko]>+K’ABA’> u.<<ch’o[ko]>+K’ABA’>
MHD (von Euw) MHD (Graham)
NAR Stela 13 F7 NAR Stela 29 F7
u.<<ch’o:ko>+K’ABA’> u.<<CH’OK[ko]>+K’ABA’>
MHD (Schele) MHD (Safronov) MHD (Tokovinine)
PMT Panel 1 PNG Panel 3 E1 YAX Stela 6
u.<<ch’o[ko]>+K’ABA’> u.<<ch’o[ko]>+K’ABA’> <u:<<ch’o[ko]>+K’ABA’>>.<20:9>
· Glyph-B forms one of the standard components of the SS.
· It’s a standard, “formulaic” phrase and is overwhelmingly uch’ok k’aba’ = his youth(ful) name.
o A search in MHD on “blsem contains Glyph B” yields 263 hits.
o A search in MHD on “blsem contains Glyph B” and “blengl does not contain young” yields 42 hits.
§ Of these 42 hits, adding “bllogosyll equals _” gives 24 hits, leaving 18 with an actual attempted reading.
§ Of the 18 hits of “blsem contains Glyph B” and “blengl does not contain young” and “bllogosyll does not equal _”, the two “arms” of K’ABA’ embrace:
· Syllabogram a (to explicitly spell the final glottal stop of K’ABA’): 2 hits.
· Muluk-u (syllabogram lo rotated 90 degrees clockwise): 3 hits.
· K’UH (the “default” element embraced by the two arms of K’ABA’): 2 hits.
· Other (glyph is visible but it’s uncertain what is written): 4 hits.
· Eroded or no drawing: 7 hits.
In other words, practically all occurrences of Glyph-B are uch’ok k’aba’.
· Glyph-B is optionally present when Glyph-X is present, but can be absent when Glyph-X is present. However, if Glyph-B is present, then Glyph-X is always also present. This is because giving the name (= Glyph-X) doesn’t require also stating that that’s the name (= Glyph-B), whereas stating “(this is) his youth(ful) name” (= Glyph-B) without giving the name (= Glyph-X) wouldn’t make any sense.
· The examples give the full range of variation in the ways of writing Glyph-B:
o With the logogram CH’OK:
§ If the ko end phonetic complement is present, then it is always written infixed along the bottom, under the “spectacles” and covering the “teeth”.
o With the syllabograms ch’o and ko:
§ The ko can be infixed (covering the ear, on the right of the entire head, or even covering the mouth).
§ The ko can be below the ch’o.
§ The ko can be to the right of the ch’o.
It goes without saying that the u can be above or to the left of the rest.