CMGG entry for pul      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: burn
Part of speech: Verb

Logogram spellings of pul

                                                                                 A drawing of a face  Description automatically generated                    A black and white drawing of a face  Description automatically generated                              

K&L.p39.#3.1&2                          = 25EMC.pdfp45.2&1 = IC.p27               TOK.p32.r4.c2                 BMM9.p21.r1.c1                    SM.pdfp11.#268

PUL                     PUL[yi]                  PUL                                PUL[yi]              PUL                                    PUL                                           PUL



Graham                                    Looper-LW.p136.pdfp149.fig4.19 (Looper)

NAR Stela 23 E9                      Inscribed Cylindrical Monument, Copan Museum

PUL[yi]                                      PUL[yi]


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     The example from the Inscribed Cylindrical Monument, Copan Museum:

o Has been rotated 45 degrees clockwise for easier presentation.

o Refers to an incident where Xkuy/“Six Shell-in-Hand Place” was/were burned by the king Waxaklajuun Ub’ah K’awil on February 20, 718.

·     Features:

o Top: “flames”.

o Bottom: human head:

§ (Optional) infixed K’IN in the top of the head.

§ Almond or semi-circle eye, medium-sized.

§ (Optional) partitive disk (when not present, sometimes simply not present, sometimes perhaps obscured by an infixed yi).


Syllabogram spellings of pul

A black and white drawing of a mayan animal  Description automatically generated

