CMGG entry for "GLYPH X WITH 2+DG"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: Glyph X with 2+DG
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of "GLYPH X WITH 2+DG"


Grube-FoGX.p7.fig10c (Graham)                    Coll-2                                           Stuart-NDLCP E3

YAX Lintel 47 A2                                                PNG Stela 3 B6                           

= Vepretskii.pc20210103                                 Stuart?/Montgomery?             Stuart


·     Features:

o Topped by an element resembling the reduced variant of SA’.

o Three dots.

o L-shaped WITZ embracing K’UH with blood drops.