CMGG entry for tek'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: step on
Part of speech: Verb

Logogram spellings of tek': None known.

Syllabogram spellings of tek'


IC.p27 = JM.p230.#4 = Coe&Benson-TMRPaDO                      ZenderEtAl-SSw.p43.pdfp9.fig8

Dumbarton Oaks Unprovenanced Panel 2 (PAL) C3                FLD alabaster bowl G

<te:k’a>.ja                                                                                       u.<<[te]k’e>:we>


·    No known logogram.

·    JM.p230.#3 is only JM.p230.#4 with the ja removed.