CMGG entry for syllabogram sa      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Variant: comb


MC                                K&H                            TOK.p13.r4.c1



MC                    K&H                  JM                      TOK.p8.r2.c5



Zender-BH.p4.Fig5b                                        Zender-BH.p4.Fig5c

CPN Temple 21a Bench                                  CPN Temple 18 SW Jamb

sa.ja (part of Yax Pasaj Chan K’awiil)           sa.ja (part of Yax Pasaj Chan K’awiil)          


Sub-variants (2)

·     Full: double comb with two bars in the middle.

·     Single comb with two, one, or no bars on the right.



·     Do not confuse the (“two-comb”) full variant of sa with tz’i:

o tz’i has the bolding going all the way across the ceiling, whereas sa has a break caused by the double vertical bars.

·     Do not confuse the (“two-comb”) full variant of sa with the boulder-only variant of to:

o to has crossed bands in the middle, whereas sa doesn’t.

·     Do not confuse the (“two-comb”) full variant of sa with the boulder-variant of su:

o sa has two symmetrically placed “combs” with a double vertical band between them whereas su has only a single vertical band separating the two halves with “whiskers” (which only superficially resemble the combs of sa).

o sa has dots at the end of each tooth of the comb whereas su has no dots at the end of each “whisker”.

o sa has no dots associated with the double vertical bands down the middle whereas su has two touching dots on one side of the single vertical band.


Variant: human head


MC                        K&H                          TOK.p24.r3.c4


Sub-variants (1)

·     Human head with KAB in mouth – the top of the mouth is not needed – the KAB can begin immediately below the nose.


Variant: crest


MC                                       JM



MC                                    JM


Sub-variants (2)

·     A. Full:

o  Top

§ Left: vertical scroll curling to the left (optionally bold) with protector.

§ Right: Touching (NW to SE) diagonal bars, optionally with reinforcement on one long and one short edge.

o Bottom: AT (=circle with crossed bands in an X).

·     B. Reduced: top part of full form.


·     Caution: it could be the case that only the full form is sa, the reduced form could be wu or hu.

o The reduced form is listed as sa in JM (2002/2006) and MC (2000/2005), but these are relatively old sources.

o In K&L it has already been deliberately dropped.

o In BMM9, it is given as wu, and Dorota Bojkowska has a handwritten note that Beliaev suggests hu.

o In FK2, it is given as hu.

·     Is it ever used just for spelling or words, or is it restricted the EG of NAR?