CMGG entry for chahuk      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: thunder; lightning
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of chahuk: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of chahuk


PNG Throne 1 K’4



·     EB.p40.pdfp45.#6: chahuk n. lightning » cha-hu-ku > chahuk “lightning”:

o Gives PNG Thr.1 Sup.2: D4 as a reference, but this is the same reference as the example above, which is K’4 under one system of glyph-block referencing, and H’4 under another (BeliaevEtAl-PAEdPF3).

·     K&H.p100.#9: cha-hu-ku è chahuk n “thunder”.

·     RobertsonEtAl-UatLotMI.p43.#-4: cha-hu-ku chahuk ‘lightning (bolt)’ (Ch).