CMGG entry for kup      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: cut; sacrifice
Part of speech: Verb

Logogram spellings of kup


Beliaev&Houston-ASSIMW.p9.fig8.b                Beliaev&Houston-ASSIMW.p9.fig8.c

Tikal Miscellaneous Text 336                              unprovenanced “codex-style” vase                  

<KUP{oom}.yo?.OHL>:AHIIN                               KUP{oom}.<yo:OHL:la> AHIIN:na


·    No glyphs given in K&H, K&L, TOK, BMM9, 25EMC.

·    Not listed as text in K&H, K&L, TOK, BMM9, 25EMC, EB.

·    Beliaev&Houston-ASSIMW is currently the only known reference.


Syllabogram spellings of kup


Museo VICAL vase, B1-B4

ku                po:ma       yo.OHL       AHIIN