Safronov Safronov Montgomery
PNG Panel 3 U’-V’ PNG Panel 3 F’’-G’’ Dumbarton Oaks Unprovenanced Wall Panel J5
<mu:xu?>.<ka:na> sa[ja[la]] “BBT” <mu:xu>.<ka:na> <*ya:*AL:*IX>.<mu:*xu:<*ka?.*na?>>
· The “surname” of a prominent family in the society of PNG:
o Perhaps a toponym? I can’t find any source which says it’s a toponym, only that it signifies an important family.
o A search in MHD on “blengl contains muxkan” returns only 3 hits – exactly the three examples above.
o The Muxkan Sajal and Ix Muxkan syntax of the examples above match the Chak Xim Sajal / Ix Chak Xim Sajal and Ix K’abal Xook syntax of the YAX Lintels. In those cases, it’s treated as a sort of surname. As there don’t appear to be any instances of Aj Muxkan to match the syntax of Aj Bik’iil, I’m considering Muxkan more a surname than a toponym.
· Members of the family are mentioned on two separate inscriptions:
o PNG Panel 3: Two members of the Muxkan family were present at the feast given to celebrate the 1-katun anniversary of the reign of Itzam K’an Ahk IV: T’ot’ol Ch’ok Muxkan Sajal and “BBT” Muxkan. Tokovinine (in AT-YT2021-lecture25.t0:28:35) points out that they (as a family) are quite important to Ruler 7 (who commissioned PNG Panel 3). This can be inferred from the fact that they are the only family with two representatives at the feast.
o Dumbarton Oaks Unprovenanced Wall Panel: A father and his son were two sajals, in succession, of Yo’nal Ahk II (“Kooj”). Ix Muxkan was the wife of the first and mother of the second (pointed out in AT-YT2021-lecture25.t0:29:33).
This shows the importance of the Muxkan family in the PNG politics of the time.