MHD.AC4 0369st T369
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MHD (Luin) MHD (Fahsen)
CNC HS (Fragment A) C2 DPL HS2 (East Step 5) C2b
?:HA’ ?:HA’
MHD (Fahsen) MHD (Fahsen) MHD (Fahsen)
DPL HS2 (West Step 4) A2a DPL HS2 (West Step 4) F1a DPL HS2 (West Step 6) D1b
?:HA’ ?:HA’ ?:HA’
MHD (Graham) MHD (Graham) MHD (Houston) MHD (Houston) MHD (Houston)
DPL Stela 8 G22 DPL Stela 8 H15a DPL Stela 11 E2 DPL Stela 14 G2 DPL Stela 15 F6
?:HA’ ?:HA’ <u:ti:ya>.<?:HA’> <u:ti:ya>.<?:HA’> <u:ti:ya>.<?:HA’>
· This is an undeciphered glyph having the nickname of “DRAGON”, most commonly found as part of a toponym associated with DPL.
· Bíró-EGiCMI.p131.pdfp3.para1.l+1: The Main Plaza has a toponym which is composed of the T369 (‘Dragon’) [and] Ha’al.
· A search in MHD on “blcodes contains AC4” yields 23 hits:
o Almost all (21) of the 23 hits are “DRAGON”-HA’ è “Dragon” Ha’al = “Dragon” Rain.
o Almost all (19) of the 23 hits are from DPL. Of the 4 not from DPL:
§ 2 of them are “Dragon” Ha’al (i.e. refers to a DPL toponym even though the inscription itself is not from DPL).
§ The only 2 which are not “Dragon” Ha’al are not from DPL.
· The preceding utiiy in DPL Stela 11 E2, DPL Stela 14 G2, DPL Stela 15 F6 help to support the reading of it as being a location/toponym.
· Summary: this is a glyph found almost exclusively only in DPL, and there (in DPL) it always writes the toponym “Dragon” Ha’al, which is the toponym of DPL’s Main Plaza. It is, however, very occasionally used elsewhere, to refer to things or people other than DPL’s Main Plaza.