K&L.p32.#3 TOK.p25.r4.c2 BMM9.p14.r7.c2 JM.p168.#2 = K&L.p32.#3.6
K&L.p32.#4 TOK.p27.r1.c2 BMM9.p19.r4.c3
GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.2 GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.6 GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.4
TIK Stela 3 D2 TIK Stela 5 A3 TIK Stela 10 G5 G7
GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.5 GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.1
TIK Stela 12 B5 TIK Stela 31 B19 F10 J1 N1
MAM.<?:AJAW:wa?> MAM
Coll-1 AT-E1168-lecture10.t0:27:04
YAX Lintel 14 G5
u.<MAM?:AJAW> ni.MAM
· No glyphs given in K&H.
· Can mean either “grandfather” or “grandson”.
· MHD statistics:
o A search on “blengl contains grandfather” gives 119 hits, overwhelmingly “maternal grandfather”.
o A search on “blengl contains grandfather” and “blengl does not contain maternal” gives only 4 hits, one of which is unoy = “his paternal grandfather”.
o A search on “blengl contains grandson” gives 87 hits.
o A search on “blengl contains grandson” and “blengl contains maternal” gives 65 hits.
o A search on “blengl contains grandson” and “blengl does not contain maternal” gives 22 hits.
o All the above hits, except noy have mam as the word for “grandfather”.
o There is some overlap between the “grandfather” and “grandson” hits, because some hits are glossed as “grandfather/grandson”.
o When mam means “grandfather”, it’s almost overwhelmingly the “maternal grandfather”.
o When mam means “grandson”, it can very often be the “maternal grandson”, but a significant number remain open as to “maternal” or “paternal”.
· Variants (2):
o A. Human head – features:
§ Old man.
§ Large, hooked nose.
§ Long strands of hair from forehead downwards, outside of the head (reach all the way or almost all the way down).
o B. Bird head – features:
§ Longish, narrow, “vulture” beak (“hook” at the end).
§ Long strands of hair from forehead downwards, outside of the head (shorter than for the human head variant – reaches only halfway to three-quarters way down).
· The example from AT-E1168-lecture10.t0:27:04 can’t be found in MHD – “bllogosyll contains ni mam” returns no hits, so it is unclear where this comes from.
· GuerreroOrozco-PhD.p367.pdfp377.fig4.53.label (translated by Google Translate): The logogram MAM possibly means 'grandfather, grandson'. We mostly find it in the Early Classic, and only on Stela 5 for the Late Classic of the year 744 AD. Again on Stela 12, there is a significant change in the design. [Sim: even if the use of the logogram may have died out in the Late Classic, writing this word with syllabograms continued, as there are two definite and two further possible examples in the Dresden Codex.]
AT-E1168-lecture10.t0:27:04 = MHD (Förstemann)
Dresden Codex 28a01
· On the slide shown in the lecture the example is transliterated as ka-MAM, i.e. as a logogram spelling. This is however incorrect. The glyph on the bottom right is clearly the “spectacles” variant of ma, and the glyph on the top right is more likely to be the “bowtie/butterfly” variant of ma than a logogram. This is confirmed by MHD, except that AT-E1168-lecture10 reads the first glyph as u while MHD reads it as ka. Visually, both are possible (though the extra “flourish” at the top is reminiscent of the ones occasionally found in the ka-combs of the ISIG – I’m unsure is u can also have them). MHD gives the reference as the Dresden Codex (“ blsurfpgfr equals DRE28a01” and “coordinate equals B2”).