K&L.p12.#2.1&2&3&4&5 TOK.p30.r1.c2 [25EMC.pdfp36.1&3&4&5&6 = K&L.p12.#2.4&1&2&3&5]
JM.p93.#1 MHD.AT9.1&3
CMC4.p20.#7.3 M&G.p111 StuartEtAl-DotD.p2.fig2 StuartEtAl-DotD.p1.fig1
CLK Structure 2 Temple CRN HS CRN HS block 4 element 32 = MHD.CRNHS2.B02
2B-sub Tomb 4 Serving Dish
25EMC.pdfp36.#1.2 CMC4.p20.#7.2 StuartEtAl-DotD.p3.fig3
TIK Temple 1 Lintel 3
BMM9.p15.r5.c2 = TOK.p29.r1.c4 MHD.AT9.2 M&G.p32.4 = M&G.p37.box2 Graham Coll-1
= YAX Lintel 37 C8 TIK Hombre
(outside main text)
Coll-1 Coll-1 Tokovinine&Fialko-St45oN.pp7.fig9a mayavase.com
TIK Stela 26 zB4 TIK Stela 26 yB3 TIK Stela 39 K4679 (second from the end)
· No glyphs given in K&H, BMM9.
· Variants (3):
o A. Jaguar paw with claws – features:
§ Three paw pads:
· The two outer ones have an actual claw- some variants have very distinct protrusive claws; others are less protrusive to non-existent.
· The middle paw pad has no claw.
· The claws end in a sharp point.
§ (Optionally) jaguar spots:
· These are smaller and larger cross-hatched roughly circular elements, randomly distributed and of varied sizes.
o B. Jaguar paw without claws – features:
§ Three paw pads:
· No claws ever shown for this variant.
§ Non-optional quite large, cross-hatched circular elements, one in each paw pad – in the absence of the diagnostic claws, the cross-hatched paw pads are necessary:
· They are not jaguar spots: they are much more regular in size than the cross-hatched elements in “A”, there are exactly three of them, and each one is found inside one of the three paw pads.
§ Optional:
· (When present) one or two tiny non-touching dots, going from the paw pads towards the “inside” of the glyph.
· (When present) one or two slightly larger non-touching dots, going from the tiny dots further towards the “inside” of the glyph.
o C. Animal head (known from TIK ruler Chak Tok Ich’aak II):
§ Jaguar(?) head with mammal ear.
§ Lower leg and whole paw of jaguar emerging from the nose – leg has (optionally) 3 talons above and 1 talon below.
§ Medium-sized left-feeler eye.
§ T-tooth (or even stingray spine).
§ Bone jaw.
§ An element which slightly resembles yu along the right side, with the top part of the “yu” being a mammal ear / reduced form of the stylized variant.
· Do not confuse “B” with the visually slightly similar MUK’IJ = “to pile up” (see muk’ij / muk’ for more information).
· Do not confuse “B” with the visually similar KOOX (also read as OX, O’X, K’OX):
o KOOX is a bird’s wing.
o ICH’AAK is a jaguar’s paw.
· Very often found as part of the name/title of rulers.
· AT-YT2021-lecture10.t0:01:42-02:22, regarding the word ich’aak: The logogram… the main logogram is ICH’AAK, which you can translate as “claw” or “fingernail”, but this is an example when the notion in Mayan languages doesn’t quite fit English or other Indo-European languages because we distinguish between hooves, nails, claws – depending I guess on the shape or whether it’s human or not – [but] in Mayan languages it’s all ich’aak. So that hard stuff that grows on the horse’s hoof or animal’s hoof, or the claw of an animal, or the fingernail or toenail – same thing – all ich’aak.