CMGG entry for "GLYPH X WITH 6+DG"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: Glyph X with 6+DG
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of "GLYPH X WITH 6+DG"


Grube-FoGX.p8.fig14a                                            = Teufel-PhD.p375 (Schele)

PNG Stela 12 = Vepretskii.pc20210103               PNG Stela 12                                 

<ta:IB>.<OCH:CH’AB>                                             <ta:IB>.<OCH:CH’AB>




·     Variants (2):

o A. Quadripartite (= 4 quarters):

§ Top left: ta.

§ Bottom left: SIBIK.

§ Top right: fist.

§ Bottom right: CH’AB-like.

o B. Vertically stacked (indistinct, not enough examples to generalize):

§ Top: SIBIK flanked by two elements.

§ Bottom: LEM or CH’AB.

§ Below bottom: ni?

·     Mnemonic: quadripartite SIBIK with fist (or tripartite stacked).