MC.1 MC.2
ka:se:wa ka:se:wa
MC.3 Safronov Coll-1
BPK SS5 B1 YAX Lintel 10 E5b (bottom)
<ka[se]>:wa 9.<<ka[*se]{w}>> 2.<<<ka[*se]>:wa>>
· The 5th month of the Haab calendar.
· MC.2 uses the known “skull” variant of se.
· While normally spelled ka-se-wa with the “comb” variant of ka, there are occasional forms with just a fish head or full fish, e.g. MC.3, BPK SS5 B1, and YAX Lintel 10 E5b (bottom).
o In such cases, the se would quite naturally be infixed in the ka.
o In the case of BPK SS5 B1, the -w is underspelled.