CMGG entry for polaw      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: PALAW / PULAW
Translation: ocean
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of polaw


K&L.p9.#1 = KuppratApp                                TOK.p14.r4.c4                          S&Z.p141.#56                    MHD.ZG4.1&2                             1708st

POLAW                                                               PALAW?                                    POLAW                                -                                                     POLAW? / PALAW?



PAL Temple 19 Platform South Side F4



·    No glyphs given in K&H, BMM9.

·    MHD seems to consider the two small arc-shaped elements to be an essential part of the logogram, rather than just an end phonetic complement wa.

·    TOK lists it as PALAW with a question mark.

·    Dorota Bojkowska: sometimes even PULAW.

·    EB.p224.pdfp229.#29 (English- > Classic Maya): ocean k’ak’ nab, palaw.

·    EB.p145.pdfp150.#5 (Classic Maya -> English): palaw n. ocean (EB.p145.pdfp150.#5.fn206: Alternative readings for this logogram are PULAW and POLAW, also meaning “ocean.” No currently known spelling provides information on the opening syllable. This reading, as first suggested by Luís Lópes, thus remains very tentative.

·    Features:

o A wavy band of water – small dots inside the band (K&L have an example with 2 le’s).

o 2 feelers with protectors, one on each side of the water, optionally bold.