CMGG entry for "GLYPH X WITH 5+JGU"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: Glyph X with 5+JGU
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of "GLYPH X WITH 5+JGU"


Grube-FoGX.p5.fig7a            Grube-FoGX.p5.fig7b

                                                  = Vepretskii.pc20210103


·    Features – 2 parts – Left and Right:

o Left – 2 variants, each with 3 stacked components:

§ A – “star”-based

·      Top: top half of EK’

·      Middle: PET/washer (optionally bold centre)

·      Bottom: bottom half of EK’

§ B – “leaf”-based

·      Top: bi-foliate leaves ~= left and right feelers with protectors

·      Middle: washer with additional curved band on the top and bottom

·      Bottom: two horizontally touching dots, each with a (bold) tick at 12 o’clock

o Right: TZ’IKIN (Dorota confirms it is a TZ’IKIN)