CMGG entry for akan1      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: grass, grassland
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of akan1


TOK.p34.r2.c4                     BMM9.p20.r1.c3 = 25EMC.pdfp29.#2.1                       MHD.ZFD

AKAN?                                  AKAN                                                                                   AAK?






Polyukhovych                           Graham                             Stuart-TPM.p162

CNC Panel 1 H3                        YAX Lintel 15 F3               PAL TS C12

WAL.AKAN                                AKAN:na                            AKAN:NAL



CRN Panel 1 H3                               CRN Panel 1 P7b                          CRN Panel 1 Q4b                         CRN Panel 1 T5b              


K’INICH.{y}OK:AKAN                       K’INICH:{y}OK:AKAN                   K’INICH:{y}OK::AKAN                  K’INICH:{y}OK:AKAN                  


·     No glyphs given in K&H, K&L.

·     Meaning:

o EB.p20.pdfp25.#5: grass.

o 25EMC.pdfp29: grass, grassland.

·     Do not confuse this with the homonym AKAN = “God A’ ”.

·     Do not confuse the reduced variant of AKAN with a reduced variant of je:

o The reduced variant of AKAN peeks out from behind the top of any glyphs covering it.

o The reduced variant of je peeks out from the behind the bottom of any glyphs covering it.

·     Do not confuse this with the visually (slightly) similar JAL / JALAL.

o AKAN means “grass(land)”.

o JAL/JALAL means “reed”.

·     Stuart-TIfTXIX.p180.pdfp92.c1.fn59: I have very tentatively entertained a value of AK or AKAN, “grass, grassland, bajo,” for this sign, with admittedly scanty evidence. The initial vowel seems to be indicated by a possessed form (ya-AK?-na) found on an Early Classic shell trumpet in the Perlman collection (Coe 1982). More compelling, perhaps, is the visual form of this logograph with its row of vertical stripes, suggesting a spread of grass as seen from the side. The Dresden representations of Chaak standing knee-high in an identical material also are suggestive of “grassiness.” The -NAL may be combined with this to produce AK-na-NAL, for ak(a)n-al, “grassy” (the spelling would then be structurally similar to CHAN-na-NAL, chan-al, “celestial”, “of the sky”).

·     MHD glosses this as AAK? = “grass, thatch?”.

·     K&L and 25EMC recognize a structurally and visually similar form, glossed as JAL or JALAL.

·     The definitions “pasture”, “meadow” were also seen, but the reference is now lost.

·     Variants (2):

o A. Full variant:

§ Top – 3 touching (medium sized) circles, each with:

·       Top: 3 vertical ticks from the ceiling.

·       Bottom: single dot in the middle of the floor.

§ Bottom – boulder form with:

·       Reinforced, (optionally bold) ceiling (and, optionally, left and right wall).

·       Top: Horizontal row of tiny non-touching dots.

·       Bottom: “blades of grass”.

Note the aberrant form in CNC Panel 1 H3 – with “fancy” grass which looks like “branches” going upwards, rather than “plainer” grass.

o B. Reduced variant: top part of full variant.

§ Do not confuse this with the visually similar reduced variant of je.

·       The reduced variant of AKAN is three touching circles (each with three ticks and a dot) which peek out from the behind the top of any glyphs covering it, i.e. are (visually) above the covering glyph.

·       The reduced variant of je is three touching circles (each with three ticks and a dot) which peek out from the behind the bottom of any glyphs covering it, i.e. are (visually) below the covering glyph.

·     Villalobos-EGM-YBIV.p236.pdfp39 transliterates YAX Lintel 15 F3 as AHAN?, but this is now generally accepted as AKAN.