CMGG entry for t'ul      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Alternative readings: T'UHL
Translation: rabbit
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of t'ul


K&H.p86.#10  = K&L.p14.#3.2                   K&L.p14.#3.1                                TOK.p31.r1.c4                          BMM9.p18.r1.c3                   JM.p236.#5                 

                                                                        = 25EMC.pdfp47.#7.2                                                                                                                      = 25EMC.pdfp47.#7.1

T’UL                                                                T’UL                                                 pe/T’UL/CHIT                          T’UL                                          T’UL






PNG Panel 3 M’1-N’2                                                                                               

T’UL chi[ki?] ch’o[ko] yo.<ki[bi]:AJAW>                                                                


·     So far, only encountered in a personal name incorporating the word “rabbit”, rather than as a noun naming an actual rabbit.

·     This logogram can also be read as CHIT.

·     This logogram can also be read as pe.

·     Features:

o Floppy ear.

o Mammal nose: slightly curved line of dots on the nose.

o Optionally, “waterlily” motif on the ear, but here it isn’t that motif, just a co-incidence, perhaps because of the visible lines (of blood) in the ear of a rabbit, or something independent, which evolved into a similar pattern.


Syllabogram spellings of t'ul


Safronov                               Safronov

PSD Lintel 1 A4                    PSD Lintel 1 tag

<t’u:lu>.<chi:ku>                 <t’u:lu>.<chi:ku>


·     So far, only encountered in a personal name incorporating the word “rabbit”, rather than as a noun naming an actual rabbit.